Welcome to the
Shambhala Meditation Community
of  Washington, DC

Training DC to meditate for over 40 years.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and being unable to safely hold in-person gatherings for so long, in March 2021 the Shambhala Center community decided to vacate the space it had been leasing in Cleveland Park and go virtual. While we look forward to the day when we can safely rent space and gather again in person, we invite you to check out our calendar and join us online!

Shambhala has been an anchor of meditation-based training in the DC area since the 1970’s. Our core teaching is that everyone has a nature of fundamental “basic goodness.” Awakening to the basic goodness in ourselves, others, and in society itself brings a sense of genuine confidence, ethical discipline, and skillfulness to effect positive change in our world. While Shambhala is rooted in Buddhism, our public offerings are open and accessible to all, regardless of religious tradition. We are a friendly and welcoming community, offering a variety of online classes, community events, and free-of-charge public meditation sessions.

Take a look at our upcoming programs and events and begin your journey today!

Upcoming Programs and Events

Responding to Conflict with Compassion - Online Workshop & Book Club

with Judy Tso & Julie Minde

January 16th—November 19th

Join us monthly on Tuesday nights for this ongoing workshop and book club, where we explore practices that bridge mindfulness, self-awareness, and managing conflict, working with trained facilitators from our own community. Continue »

Local DC Chat Group on Zoom - Sons & Daughters of Noble Family

April 7th—October 20th

Join us for an hour of chat after watching the Sons & Daughters of Noble Family sessions presented by Karme Choling. Friends from our local DC center will gather to talk about ideas and experiences -- and perhaps inspire each other for moving forward..... Continue »

Engaging with Life, Death, and Loss

September 16th

An ongoing monthly working group to help each other work with death and dying, our own and others’. Newcomers are welcome. Our monthly meetings include meditation, discussion, and contemplation, drawing on our Buddhist teachings. Continue »

Celebrate Harvest of Peace: In-Person Sitting at Seekers Church, Plus a Meal Together

September 21st

Join us Saturday, September 21 -- in person -- at 10:00 am at the Seekers Church in Takoma, DC, for group meditation in a warm, supportive environment. There will be a talk and time for discussion, followed by brunch at nearby Busboys & Poets. Continue »

Ongoing Offerings

There are no programs at this time